I’ve been tagged by the lovely Lara from Adventures of A Mum Brilliant opportunity to be nosy and find out more about my fellow bloggers! 1. Are you a Stay at Home Mum or a Working Mum? I’m on maternity leave until July so am at home at the moment but I will be going back very part time in July (2 days /week) then back to normal (4 days/ wk) in September when my son goes to big school. (Where did THOSE years go????) 2. Would you have it any other way? Honestly...there are days when I wish I could go back to work right NOW. I struggle with motherhood sometimes. I find it hard work, sometimes boring and sometimes anxiety-attack inducing (not actually exaggerating here!). But then other days I love it and it feels surreal that I will ever go back to do an office-based job! When it’s good, it’s really good, when it’s bad, it’s horrid. And by horrid....I’m talking about the anxiety. Of course it’s hard looking after 1+ kids and even if they are having a complete meltdown and y
Writing about feminism, mental health, parenting, popular culture etc. A chronic oversharer, very silly but very unfunny about systemic racism/misogyny & homophobia.