Periods. We've all had have 'em. Well those of us who are ( cis ) ladies. And for most of the men I’ve met, you’re pretty familiar with them too. What you men are not familiar with however, is the awfulness that is periods. Except for having to endure the mood swings of your partners, treading on eggshells and possibly extra chocolate-buying once a month. YES, PEOPLE, I AM WRITING ABOUT PERIODS! Periods have also been in the news recently for a couple of reasons. The free-bleeders protesting the tampon tax ; the candid interview that a Chinese swimmer gave at the Olympics where she mentioned she’d been on her period (but it was not to blame for her performance); And the fact that more and more companies are now offering woman paid “ Menstrualleave ” to optimise their productivity in the work place . But I know for most of us It’s still a very “eeeewwwy” inducing subject and I’m pretty sure that includes MOST men. And I understand why. It IS grim. It...
Writing about feminism, mental health, parenting, popular culture etc. A chronic oversharer, very silly but very unfunny about systemic racism/misogyny & homophobia.