Feminism and Makeup – Friends or Foe? Vaj lips. It’s an oldie but a goodie: should Feminists wear makeup? If you’ve read this then or ever even seen a picture of me you’ll probably have an inkling of my opinion about this. But firstly let’s look at why are / were Feminists so anti makeup? Whilst the first wave of Feminism concerned itself with basic rights of Women in society such as getting the vote, second wave feminists of 60s and 70s began to call for women to reject anything that would subjugate them in the eyes of men. What I mean by this is that Second Wave feminists felt that one of the ways that men controlled women was by creating a society which treated them solely as sexual objects. Makeup is there purely to make a women look like she’s in the throes of wild sex! Black lined eyes= dilated (sexually aroused) pupils! Blusher=flushed sex cheeks, bright red lips = engorged labia. Yes, you are apparently trying to look like a vagina lips with that Mac Ruby Woo! ...
Writing about feminism, mental health, parenting, popular culture etc. A chronic oversharer, very silly but very unfunny about systemic racism/misogyny & homophobia.