Our wedding day...in case you didn't guess, like. Hey you guys ! I have been tagged not once but TWICE by the lush-a-licious Michelle at The Purple Pumpkin Blog and lush-a-licious Liz at Everything Is Rosy . Because they are as nosy as me....hoorah! Now this is a looong post so grab a cuppa & yer phone charger and settle down..... What are you wearing? Me pj's.....a cardie and some thick socks. Ever been in love? Yes! I am lucky that I’ve been in love twice. My first was a university love, I spent my 20’s effectively single and then at 30 I met my husband, who I love to death. Ever had a terrible break-up? Yep. With the guy I was at in uni. He broke my heart completely. He didn’t cheat; he fell out of love with me. And I don’t even blame him... It was my first proper relationship, I was desperately unhappy after moving up to London from South Wales. I worked in the centre of London and I would leave the house at 6.30-7am ...
Writing about feminism, mental health, parenting, popular culture etc. A chronic oversharer, very silly but very unfunny about systemic racism/misogyny & homophobia.